
Reading List 2022

Non-fiction Books

Counseling For Toads: A Psychological Adventure

Mental health is also health. A psychological book by Robert De Board. Entry level to explain how psychology works.

The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence

A book described how attitude can change human behavior and how it broadcasts the impact. It’s a book worth a notebook besides.

First Person Singular

Original title: 一人称単数

Haruki Murakami’s short stories collection. Compare to his novels, I don’t enjoy reading them.

This is Going to Hurt

BBC adapted this book from Adam Kay as a TV series. It’s a funny book that described the NHS workers’ struggles.

What is Life?: Understand Biology in Five Steps

A book by Nobel Prize winner Paul Nurse. It explains how life is formed in simple language. However, if you already have high school biology knowledge, it might not be the book for you.

Berlin Childhood Around 1900

A book by Walter Benjamin, original title “Berliner Kindheit um neunzehnhundert”. After more than 100 years, some places mentioned in the book are still called the same. I live in Berlin, so a lot of déjà vu happens when I was reading it.

The Product Book: How to Become A Great Product Manager

One of the essential books for Product Management. It touches on most aspects of product management skills. Recommend it for every new product manager.

Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster

Recommend product analytic books from the SPVG. It focuses on the lean approach to analytics in products. This book focuses on more start-ups or scale-up companies. The best way to learn product analytics is to bring the ideas mentioned in the book into practice.

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

This book it’s controversial between Eastern and Western readers. However, it predicts a lot of current political situations, e.g. the tax war between China and the US, and the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Time Never Replies, but Answered All the Questions

Original title: 时间从来不语,却回答了所有问题

A book of 40 proses by Ji Xianlin. It’s a book about life, time and personal thoughts.

Fiction Books

Lychee in Chang’an

Original title: 长安的荔枝

A short historical novel story about the bureaucracy and corruption in Tang Dynasty. I enjoyed the story and recommend it.


Original title: Ensaio sobre a Cegueira

It’s a story written by José Saramago about an epidemic of “white blindness” that spares across the world and how cruel the world can be under this pandemic.


This year most books are non-fiction. Compare to last year’s non-fiction books, this year’s topic is less on Product Management. It was a surprise that I enjoyed the 2 fiction books which reminded me that: Reading is not only about learning, it can be just pure pleasure.