
What Makes Me Happy

a productive meeting finished early

have left over from last night as lunch during a busy working day

the smell of lemon grass shampoo mixes with colon

the soft toilet paper with five layers

the strawberry yogurt is 20 cents cheaper

weight 50 gram less than yesterday

understand the book and feel the same

the person you like texted you first

the smell of the air in summer after a shower

the AirPods didn’t fall out during a run

the portion of the meal is not too much nor less

catch the last subway to home

the song you loved long time ago is randomly playing in the queue

spent all the brown coins from the wallet

the milk foam on the top of coffee late is super smooth

wear the dirty t-shirt for a run before laundry

finish the half bottle of old white wine from the fridge before it becomes cooking wine

the hot shower after a cold run

finished the long time reading book

doesn’t have hangover from a hard core drinking last night